Sample Annual Finch Plan [Australia].
January:- Breeding diet.
February:- Breeding diet.
March:- Breeding diet.
April 1st to 16th:- Austerity diet [to push them into moult].
May:- Maintenance seed diet + 2.5mg of supplement per bird.
June:- Maintenance seed diet + 2.0mg of supplement per bird.
July:- Maintenance seed diet + 1.0mg of supplement diet.
August:- Austerity diet.
September:- Breeding diet.
October:- Breeding diet.
November:- Breeding diet.
December:- Breeding diet.
Birds are controlled by diet, so change the month you start the sequence to suit your climate, country or your personal plan.
Austerity diet:
80% Any millet
20% Rye or Cocksfoot
Shell grit mix:
Charcoal, egg shell, crushed sea shell, crushed oyster shell and cuttlebone. For some species [Pictorellas], shave the cuttlebone.